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The Scientific Opinion №3 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020

Formation of Style in Sonata No. 11 for Piano by B. I. Tishchenko Based on the Modelling Method

G. P. Ovsyankina, E. N. Yakovleva
Price: 50 руб.
Sonata No. 11 for piano is one of the last works of B. Tishchenko. The article reveals the formation of style features of the work. It is proved that they are formed on the basis of the modelling principle — the most signifi cant feature of the late period of Tishchenko’s 
creativity. The object of modelling is primarily the creativity of the composer himself, forming an extensive information fi eld of intertext in his works of the 2000s. The work shows the mechanisms for implementing the expression features of Sonatas No. 2 and 8 
in the innovative expression and composition of Sonata No. 11. It concludes the line representing the genre of sonata-fantasy in Tishchenko’s creativity.
Keywords: sonata cycle, innovative composition, programme music, introverted type 
of thinking, micromodelling, style features.
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S. 1751.
Price: 50 рублей
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