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The Scientific Opinion №3 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020

Kazakhstani People as the Participants in the Battles near Stalingrad during the Great Patriotic War (based on materials from the archive of the city of Nur-Sultan)

Zh. S. Mazhitova, B. K. Omarova, K. M. Atanakova
Price: 0 руб.
Based on the archive materials found in the city of Nur-Sultan, the paper highlights the heroic path of the Kazakhstani people who participated in the battles near Stalingrad in various military units. Studying archival documents, memoirs of veterans and published materials, the authors show the courage and indomitable will of the soldiers, highlighting the role and importance of the heroic deeds of the Kazakhstanis at the front and emphasising their invaluable contribution to achieving the victory near Stalingrad.
Keywords: Great Patriotic War, front, Victory, Battle of Stalingrad, Kazakhstan, Kazakhstani people.
1. Akmolintsy — na fronte i v tylu. Astana: ID «Sary arka», 2010. 430 s.
2. Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv goroda Nur-Sultan (GA g. Nur-Sultan). F. 362. Op. 1. 
D. 1. 
3. GA g. Nur-Sultan. F. 61. Op. 7. D. 1. 
4. GA g. Nur-Sultan. F. 61. Op. 7. D. 4. 
5. Istoriya Kazakhskoy SSR. Almaty: Atamura, 2009. T. 4. 768 s.
6. Murmantseva V. S. Sovetskie zhenshchiny v Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyne. M.: 
Mysl’, 1974. 64 s.
7. Nekotorye statisticheskie materialy po istorii Vtoroy mirovoy voyny // URL: 
http://www.teatrskazka.com/Raznoe/PostanovGKO/194109/gko_0690.html (data 
obrashcheniya: 17.12.2019).
Price: 0 рублей
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