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The Scientific Opinion №3 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020

Visual Elements of National Peking Opera in Clothing and Shoe Design at the Beginning of the 21st Century

S. V. Anchukov, Fu Shuai
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The paper analyses the art of makeup of Peking opera which is a quintessence 
of Chinese traditional folk art. The authors try to reveal the reasons for the 
fact that Peking opera, being a traditional form of artistic expression, having 
developed over the years, still has an important place in the world of art in 
the modern era of intensive development and evolving science and technol-
ogy. The authors also study the unique artistic concepts of the modern art of 
Peking opera and analyse the examples of modern usage of visual elements of 
Peking opera in modern clothing and shoe design in 2018–2020. The paper 
develops the idea of continuity and evolution of visual elements of national 
Peking opera in modern clothing and shoe design of the 21st century, which 
was outlined in the monograph published earlier [1].
Keywords: national Peking opera Jingju, lianpu makeup, clothing and shoe design, artistic symbols, traditional folk art.
1. Anchukov S., Fu Shuai. Pekinskaya opera: istoriya, traditsii, vizual’nye simvoly 
v dizayne i plasticheskom iskusstve: monografi ya / S. Anchukov, Fu Shuay. SPb.: 
Asterion, 2020. 474 s.; il.
2. Van Shukhua. Rassuzhdeniya o primenenii osnovnykh elementov kostyuma iz 
pekinskoy opery v sovremennoy mode. 2010, 12. 41 s. (王姝画,论中国传统服装元
素在现代服装设计中的应用[J],大家,2010, 12. P. 41)
3. Syuy E. Osnovnye elementy pekinskoy opery v sovremennykh svadebnykh narya-
dakh // Tszyansinskiy vestnik. 2013, 05. S. 123–124 (徐叶,京剧服饰元素在婚纱礼
服设计中的应用[J],嘉兴学院学报,2013, 05. P. 123-124)
4. Syuy Chenbey. Pekinskaya opera. Mezhkontinental’noe izdatel’stvo Kitaya, 2003. 
138 s.
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