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The Scientific Opinion №1-2 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020

Landscapes by I.I. Shishkin as First Steps towards Russian Modernism

A. N. Ogarkov, A.V. Riabov
Price: 50 руб.
This paper attempts to discover the origins of modernism in realistic painting of late 
19th century. I. I. Shishkin, one of the participants of the Society of Travelling Art 
Exhibitions, was chosen to be as a harbinger of a new tendency in art. He was the 
one who endowed the landscape with political characteristics. Such a connection is 
possible in the context of speculative realism — a relevant trend in the modern phi-
losophy, which allows reviving and actualizing art at any historical moment. Relying 
on studying documents (letters and periodicals) and analyzing the artist’s works in 
general and his painting “Rye” (1878), the following conclusions are made. The fi rst 
one concerns the ability of I.I. Shishkin to distinguish the future death of imagery 
in the image of the prehistoric. However, the artist’s search for authenticity came 
down to a thorough copying the nature monotony. The second conclusion reveals 
infl uence of I.I. Shishkin on the process of incorporating the Russian painting at the 
turn of the century into the European non-academic schools of early 20th century.
Keywords: landscape, modernism, Russian painting, speculative realism, academic 
romanticism, form.
1. Artist. Zhurnal izyashchnykh iskusstv i literatury. M., 1894. № 35. S. 132–133.
2. Vestnik izyashchnykh iskusstv. SPb.: Akademiya Khudozhestv, 1883. T. 1, vyp. 1. 
S. 183–186.
3. German M. Modernizm. Iskusstvo pervoy poloviny XX veka. SPb.: Azbuka-
Klassika, 2003. 480 s.
4. Groys B. V potoke. M.: Ad Marginem Press, 2018. 208 s. 
5. Kandinskiy V. V. Tochka i liniya na ploskosti. SPb.: Azbuka, 2015. 237 s.
6. Kramskoy I. N. Pis’ma, stat’i: v 2 t. M.: Iskusstvo, 1965. T. 1. 627 s.
7. Krauss R. Podlinnost’ avangarda i drugie modernistskie mify. M.: Khudozhest-
vennyi zhurnal, 2003. 320 s.
8. Meyyasu K. Posle konechnosti. Yekaterinburg-M.: Kabinetnyi uchenyi, 2015. 
196 s.
9. Fedorov F. P. Romanticheskiy khudozhestvennyi mir: prostranstvo i vremya. 
Riga: Zinatne, 1988. 454 s.
10. Shishkin I. I. Perepiska, dnevnik, sovremenniki o khudozhnike. L.: Iskusstvo, 
1978. 463 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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