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The Scientific Opinion №1-2 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020

Continuity and Development of Visual Elements of the National Beijing Opera in the Design of the XXI Century

S. V. Anchukov, Fu Shuai
Price: 50 руб.
The paper discusses the infl uence of make-up and visual elements of the 
Beijing Opera on contemporary design projects and analyzes success-
ful examples of using visual elements of the Beijing Opera in design of 
2018–2019, including lianpu elements in design of accessories, advertis-
ing, posters, logos, brands, products, and in spatial design. Areas of design 
research are being explored in order to highlight the main visual elements 
of the Beijing Opera and to create new design concepts, update established 
graphic design stereotypes, and fi nd unique and distinctive visual artistic 
styles. Also, the paper has further developed the theme of continuity and 
development of visual elements of the national Beijing Opera in the design 
of the XXI century, identifi ed in the previously published monograph 
Keywords: Beijing Opera, graphic design, design concepts, visual elements of lianpu make-up, national features.
1. Anchukov S., Fu Shuay. Pekinskaya opera: istoriya, traditsii, vizual’nye simvoly 
v dizayne i plasticheskom iskusstve: monografi ya. Sankt-Peterburg: Asterion, 2020. 
474 s.; il.
2. Chzhan Lin’. Rassuzhdenie o prakticheskom primenenii traditsionnykh elementov 
v grafi cheskom dizayne na primere masok iz pekinskoy opery. Sychuan’skiy gumani-
tarnyi institut, 2013, 3. 116 s. 
3. Yan Tszyuan’. Personazhi pekinskoy opery v sovremennom dizayne. Chuntsinskiy 
pedagogicheskiy universitet, 2012
Price: 50 рублей
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