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The Scientific Opinion №1-2 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020

ACQUISITION OF TECHNICAL SKILLS IN EARLY TRAINING OF PIANISTS (based on A. Artobolevskaya’s study guide “First Meeting with Music”)

Wu Yi
Price: 50 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2020.
The paper covers one of the most important issues for Chinese piano pedagogics – technical development of pianists. Emphasis is placed on the role of the initial period of study, since it determines a musician’s future. It is necessary to use Russian study guides and books for beginners by authoritative Russian music teachers in Chinese pedagogic practice. The author analyses A. Artobolevskaya’s methodological recommendations in the study guide “First Meeting with Music”. Artobolevskaya’s method is characterised a a complex, systematic and perspective one.
Key words: music, piano, pianist, teacher, training, technique, development, methodology, modernity, system, hand position, playing techniques, study guide, ear training.
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5. Neygauz G. Ob iskusstve fortepiannoy igry. Zapiski pedagoga. M.: Gosud. muz. izd., 1961. 319 s.
6. Se Khen. Problemy fortepiannoy pedagogiki v Kitae // Izvestiya rossiyskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. Gertsena. SPb.: Izvestiya RGPU, 2016. S. 109–113.
7. Feynberg S. Pianizm kak iskusstvo. M.: Muzyka, 1969. 598 s.
8. Shmidt-Shklovskaya A. O vospitanii pianisticheskikh navykov. L.: Muzyka, 1985. 70 s. 9. Yudovina-Gal’perina T. Za royalem bez slez, ili Ya — detskiy pedagog. SPb.: Predpriyatie S.-Peterb. soyuza khudozhnikov, 1996. 191 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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