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The Scientific Opinion №1-2 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020


I. S. Avramkova, Zhang Lele
Price: 50 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2020.
Studying Russian classical choral music with the aim of its interpretation is a priority 
direction of training of Chinese undergraduate students majoring in pedagogics in 
Russia. The  “basics  of  Russian  classical  choral  music  interpretation”  notion  was 
introduced due to the author’s methodology of musical and pedagogical training of undergraduate students from China. This notion integrates the historical, theoretical, performing and pedagogical components of the educational process aimed at acquisition of basic knowledge and skills, experience of creative pedagogical activity and value-oriented attitude towards Russian classical choral music. The paper substantiates the pedagogical conditions for forming of the basics of Russian classical choral music interpretation, namely: development of a theoretical model of the basics of Russian classical choral music interpretation aimed at its implementation in training; introduction of the special course “Russian Classical Choral Music as a National and Human Value” into vocational training of Chinese undergraduate students; inclusion of pieces reflecting the main types of Russian classical choral music and stages of its historical development (ancient Russian Znamenny Chant, classical polyphonic choral music a capella of the 18th century, choirs of Russian classical operas, cantatas and oratorios of the 19th and early 20th centuries, choirs and mass songs of the 20th century) in performing and pedagogical activity of undergraduate students.
Key words: Russian choral music, undergraduate students from the People’s Republic of China, pedagogical conditions for forming of the basics of Russian classical choral music interpretation, pedagogics of music education, historical, theoretical, performing and pedagogical training of Chinese undergraduate students.
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Price: 50 рублей
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