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The Scientific Opinion №12 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2019

The Basic Principles of Correction of the Lives of Saints by Nilus of Sora

P. Yu. Karavaeva
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to the basic principles of lexical correction of
the Lives of Saints, which guided Nilus of Sora in creating the “Collection”.
The comparison of the edited texts of the Lives of St. Athanasius
of Athos, St. Onoufrios of the Desert, and St. Theodore of Stoudios
included in the three-part “Collection” of Nilus of Sora with the main
sources (Sof. 1376, Kir.-Bel. 24/1101, Kir.-Bel. 30/1107) revealed several
types of corrections. It is shown that Nilus of Sora deliberately
eliminated Preslavian lexemes, preferring ancient words, replaced
lexical Russisms with the corresponding Church Slavonic equivalents,
replaced archaisms with words understood by a scribe living in the 15th
century, and fi nally, when choosing a word, he took into account how its
semantics evolved. On the whole, Nilus corrected the texts of the Lives
in line with the traditions of the Athos Literary School of the 13th–14th
centuries, but at the same time sought to focus on the language of Old
Russian writing of the 15th and early 16th centuries.
Keywords: Church Slavonic Russian edition of the late 15th and early 16th centuries,
Nilus of Sora, “Collection of Lives of Greek Saints”, lexical norm.
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Price: 50 рублей
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