The paper is devoted to the pedagogical conditions of mastering musical classicism in
piano class. The research object is the content of the learning process aimed at studying
the musical heritage of the First Viennese School by Chinese undergraduate students.
The author describes the problematic situation in which pre-university piano education of
Chinese students often does not correspond to the requirements of Russian pedagogical
universities, since Chinese students often lack the required competencies in interpretation of music of the European tradition. In the author’s opinion, the pedagogical conditions proposed in the paper help to master the stylistic analysis of musical classicism in piano class more effectively. The author analyses such pedagogical conditions as theoretical and practical studying of intonational features of musical classicism individually and in group, and the use of individual and differentiated approach to selection of piano repertoire.
Key words: Chinese undergraduate students, piano class, pedagogical conditions, stylistic analysis, intonational features of musical classicism, musical images, combination of the individual and group forms of teaching, individual and differentiated approach to repertoire selection.
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