A. Yu. Chernov
Price: 50 руб.
Cognitive theories of reflective self-awareness consider self-regulation as an interaction of the social information system and the system of cognitive organisation of an individual. The semantic segment is a link between the system of social information and the system of cognitive organisation, providing processes of self-regulation of prosocial behaviour. Cognitive patterns of prosocial behaviour are activated when interacting with the semantic segment of self-regulation. The qualitative study showed that the semantic segment of the system of cognitive self-regulation of prosocial behaviour is represented by the three elements: the level of involvement in the situation, the degree of normativity of prosocial behaviour, and assessment of the resources that a person possesses to provide assistance. In the mechanism of self-regulation of prosocial behaviour, the semantic segment is a tool for resolving the intrapsychic conflict and maintaining prosocial motivation.
Key words: self-regulation of prosocial behaviour, semantic segment of selfregulation, level of involvement in the situation, degree of normativity of prosocial behaviour, resource assessment.
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