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The Scientific Opinion №10 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2019

Research on Developing Classifi cation of Ancient China Bronze Ornaments

Han Chao
Price: 50 руб.
From the Xia, Shan and Zhou dynasties to the Spring and Autumn 
period, and the Warring States period, these periods are regarded as 
the time of development, maturity and prosperity of the ancient Chinese 
bronzes. The bronze ornament also undergoes huge evolution in this 
period. This paper combines the history of ancient Chinese bronze 
ornament and summarizes the main classifi cation and characteristics 
of ornamentation.
Keywords: bronze, ornament, ancient China.
1. Deydier K. Ponimanie drevnikh kitayskikh bronz, ikh znachenie v kitayskoy 
kul’ture i ikh formy: monografi ya. Tszyansu: Ilin’. 2016. 97 s.
2. In’ Veychzhan, Tsao Shutsin’. Bronzovaya istoriya: monografiya. Tayvan’: 
Natsional’noe izdatel’stvo. 2003. 598 s.
3. Li Sun. Kitayskaya bronza: monografi ya. Pekin: Uchzhou. 2008. 147 s.
4. U Syaosyue. «Prednamerennaya forma» — o bronzovykh izdeliyakh i ornamen-
takh In’ Shan // Krasota i vremya: kreativ. 2015. № 2 (2). S. 52–54.
5. Chzhan Tszin’. Issledovanie bronzovogo ornamenta // Bol’shaya stsena. 2010. 
№ 10. S. 234.
Price: 50 рублей
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