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The Scientific Opinion №10 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2019

Criteria for Selection of Rental Housing by Tenants of St. Petersburg Apartment Houses in the 1870s — early 20th century

D. M. Demidovich
Price: 50 руб.
Basing on the content analysis of newspaper ads, the issues of choosing apartments by tenants in apartment houses in St. Petersburg in the 1870s — early XX centuries are considered. Author analyzes requirements for rental housing of various price segments. 
Keywords: apartment house, renting relationships, newspaper advertisements, tenant, 
1. Vedomosti Sanktpeterburgskoy gorodskoy politsii (Vedomosti S.-Peterburgskogo 
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gorodskoy politsii; Vedomosti SPb gradonachal’stva i SPb gorodskoy politsii; Vedomosti 
SPb gradonachal’stva i stolichnoy politsii; Vedomosti SPb gradonachal’stva; Vedomosti 
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(na materialakh Peterburga kontsa XIX veka): dis. … kand. istor. nauk. SPb., 2004. 
219 s
7. Pindell N. Home Sweet Home? The Effi cacy of Rental Restrictions to Promote 
Neighborhood Stability. Las Vegas: William S. Boyd School of Law, UNLV, 2010. 45 p.
8. Scott P. The Property Masters. A history of the British commercial property sector. 
London: Taylor & Francis, 1996. 331 p. 
Price: 50 рублей
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