The article discusses the issues related to the content of future teachers’ preparation for
the organisation of communicative interaction in the electronic informational and edu-
cational environment. Based on the analysis of the scientiųc literature on the problems
of higher pedagogical education, the results of the questionnaire of different groups of
participants in the educational process (students of different courses, teachers and prac-
titioners), and also taking into account the ideas of the integrated approach, the concept
of “the content of future teachers’ preparation for organising communication activities
in the electronic educational environment” is considered, and the content components
(knowledge (epistemological), activity (praxiological), value (axiological), communica-
tive component) are proposed and analysed. The development of these components will
make it possible to form the necessary competencies of future teachers and to organise
effective interaction in the electronic educational environment.
Key words: content of future teachers’ training, organisation of communicative inter-
action, electronic educational environment, content components, integrated approach,
professional competence, network communicative competence.
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