The analysis of the guidance documents of the Ministry of Education of Russia indi-
cates one of the important and urgent requirements in the modern system of higher ed-
ucation, determining the organisation of psychological support of students. The result
of the study is the deĆnition of a system that provides mental adaptation of students
to the university education environment, which is a set of intellectual characteristics,
personal traits and satisfaction with the university education environment. It was re-
vealed that satisfaction with the education environment is a psychological phenom-
enon of socio-psychological comfort of students, which is a link between intellectual
performance and personality characteristics in the adaptive system and the integration
of the following psychological characteristics: identity with the social environment of
the university; learning motivation; professional orientation; satisfaction of security
needs; self-esteem.
Key words: adaptation, adaptability, satisfaction, socio-psychological comfort, iden-
tity with the social environment, motivation to learn, self-esteem, professional orienta-
tion, need for security.
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