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The Scientific Opinion №10 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2019


T. N. Ishchenko
Price: 50 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2019.10.31.38
The  development  of  personality  is  inseparable  from  the  development  of  thinking 
and  judgment,  which  a  student  acquires  in  the  process  of  cognition.  To  resolve  the contradictions, to consider the problems inherent in the educational process, the article proposes the ideas of classical philosophy. The analytic and synthetic ways of cognition, the  principle  of  contradiction,  problematic  issues  make  it  possible,  on  the  one  hand, to  consider  the  reasons  for  the  problems  of  the  cognition  process,  and  on  the  other hand, to outline ways to resolve them. Thus, the logic of the cognition process itself is involved, where thought begins to work with the formulation of questions, identiBcation of contradictions, and the nature of the knower.
Key words: cognition, concept, analytical cognition, synthetic cognition, contradiction, 
subject of cognition, didactic system.
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Price: 50 рублей
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