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The Scientific Opinion №9 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2019

A Word on Bells

E. L. Aleksandrova
Price: 50 руб.
The author’s attention is focused on the problem of bell ringing as a 
phenomenon that holds a special place in the “symphony of sounds”. 
The study focuses on Russian bell ringing. Е. L. Aleksandrova con-
siders the following issues: overtone spectra and modal basis of bell 
ringing, functional organization of voices and structure of verticals.
Key words: bells, ringing, mode, texture.
1. Blagoveshchenskaya L. D. Zvonnitsa — muzykal’nyi instrument // Kolokola. 
Istoriya i sovremennost’ / otv. red. B. V. Raushenbakh; sost. Yu. V. Pukhnachev. M.: 
Nauka, 1985. S. 28–37.
2. Dal’ V. I. Tolkovyi slovar’ zhivogo velikorusskogo yazyka: T. 1–4. M.: Russkiy 
yazyk, 1978–1980. T. 1. A–Z, 1978. 699 s., s. 672, stb. 1, /«Zvenet’»/. T. 2. I–O. 1979. 
779 s., s. 139, stb. 2, /«Kolokol»/.
3. Kavel’makher V. V. Sposoby kolokol’nogo zvona i drevnerusskie kolokol’ni // 
Kolokola. Istoriya i sovremennost’ / otv. red. B. V. Raushenbakh; sost. Yu. V. Pukhnachev. M.: Nauka, 1985. S. 39–43.
4. Spirina L. M. O kolokolakh Troitse-Sergieva monastyrya // Kolokola. Istoriya 
i sovremennost’ / otv. red. B. V. Raushenbakh; sost. Yu. V. Pukhnachev. M.: Nauka, 
1985. S. 120–137.
Price: 50 рублей
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