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The Scientific Opinion №9 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2019

Leonardo Da Vinci’s Tonal Plastic Organization of Space

V. A. Melnikov, I. A. Sinitsina
Price: 50 руб.
The article analyzes development processes of artistic and plastic laws of 
Leonardo da Vinci — the great artist of the Renaissance. Methods of con-
structing a compositional system, plastic space, the logic of action («peace», 
«movement», «light»), the intellectual way of tonal construction of a work of 
art, are relevant and important problems in the theory and history of art. The 
most important aspect of the study is the use of two fundamental approaches to 
the study of Leonardo da Vinci’s works. The fi rst of them is the historical and 
biographical approach that allows you to expand the panorama of the artist’s 
work, the second is a hermeneutic approach, as a tool to study the worldview 
and the worldview of the Renaissance master, a logical way to study the plastic 
values and qualities of works of art. The theoretical signifi cance of the study 
is to understand the cultural, historical, creative and aesthetic aspects of the 
Renaissance art, to expand the theoretical and methodological basis for study-
ing artistic and plastic laws in the art by Leonardo da Vinci. The fi ndings of 
the study are supported by a number of developments in the fi eld of art theory 
and graphic design, adapted to the tasks of training would-be art designers. 
Keywords: graphic art heritage of Leonardo da Vinci, tonal plastic space design, artistic 
laws, «internal intellectual illumination source», «tonal scale of fi ve keys», «energy 
tone», graphic arts.
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Price: 50 рублей
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