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The Scientific Opinion №7-8 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2019

Images of the “Dies Irae” Sequence in 20th Century Music: Issues of the “Unconscious” in the Semantic Field of Thanatogenesis

T. S. Isupova
Price: 50 руб.
The content of the article is aimed at studying the methods of transformation of the “Dies irae” sequence in the artistic practice of the 20th century. Metamorphoses of the pre-text, 
which determines semantics and functionality of new texts, regulate historical and stylistic aspects of citation, namely contextual and textual relationships, opening up a new facet 
in the semantic system of thanatogenesis — the sphere of the unconscious.
Keywords: Dies irae, intertextuality, “Erwartung”, Arnold Schoenberg, psychedelic rock, Ennio Morricone.
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T. S. Isupova; RGPU im. A. I. Gertsena. SPb., 2019. 65 s. 
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3. Denisov A. V. Intertekstual’nost’ v muzyke: Issledovatel’skiy ocherk. SPb.: Izd-vo 
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6. Zhirmunskiy V. M. Vvedenie v literaturovedenie: kurs lektsiy; pod red. 
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7. Isupova T. S. Dialog s muzykal’noy tsitatoy: o svoevremennosti spravochnika Andreya 
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9. Lebedev S. N. Musica Latina: Latinskie teksty v muzyke i muzykal’noy nauke / 
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10. Nazarenko O. S. O proyavleniyakh intertekstual’nosti v rok-muzyke: magisterskaya 
dissertatsiya / nauch. ruk. T. S. Isupova; RGPU im. A. I. Gertsena. SPb., 2015. 70 s. 
11. Snezhkova E. S. Osobennosti resheniya tembrovoy dramaturgii interteksta “Dies 
irae” v kontekste rok-kul’tury vtoroy poloviny XX veka / nauch. ruk. T. S. Isupova; RGPU 
im. A. I. Gertsena. SPb., 2016. 85 s. 
12. Kholopov Yu. N. Vvedenie v muzykal’nuyu formu. M.: Moskovskaya gos. konserva-
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13. Shenberg A. Pis’ma / Arnol’d Shenberg; sost. i publ. Ervina Shtayna; per. s nem. i 
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461, [1] s.
14. Escalation / Scritto e Diretto: Roberto Faenza. Attori: Lino Capolicchio, Claudine 
Auger, Gabriele Ferzetti, Didi Perego, Leopoldo Trieste, Paola Corinti, Dada Gallotti, 
Jaqueline Perrier. Musica: Ennio Morricone. LA CEMO FILM, 1968.
15. Schoenberg A. Erwartung: Monodram: Partitur / A. Schoenberg Vienna: Universal 
Edition, 1916. 62 S.
Price: 50 рублей
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