The paper is aimed at understanding the theory and practice of the art of conducting.
The author examines the historical panorama of research in the Beld in order to identify
methodological principles and problem areas that attract the attention of researchers.
Among the most signiBcant are the theoretical generalisation of the objective fundamentals of performing activity, philosophical, aesthetic and culturological approaches to the study of conducting as an artistic activity, manual technique as a tool for transmitting individual creative information, conductor’s activity and the structure of conductor’s abilities in a psychological perspective, the enigmatic nature of conducting. The materials of the article, which represent an analytical understanding of the accumulated precious experience in the Beld of professional conducting, will assist in deBning methodological guidelines in the search for effective ways, forms of organisation and methods of musical education of a teacher-musician and conductor.
Key words: teacher, musician, conductor, professional activity, methodology, art of
conducting, choir, orchestra.
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