The article deals with pedagogical approaches to the development of motivation of educational activities of junior cadets and students at educational organisations of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The change of the paradigm of higher education,
focused on the leading activities of cadets and students in the educational process, increases the urgency and need to use innovative pedagogical approaches to ensuring qualitative training of future law enforcement ofBcials. The article deals with the issues of identifying the level of motivation of junior cadets and students. The author characterises the level of motivation of cadets and listeners at the Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, using the questionnaires “Motivation for Success” and “Motivation to Avoid Failures”. The article deals with the theoretical aspects of increasing the motivation of training activities of cadets and students.
Key words: dominant motivation, motivation of success, educational result,
pedagogical approaches, paradigm, system of higher education.
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