In the twentieth century, traditional manual production took a back seat, the rapid
development of industry has turned machine production into the main method of
production in all countries all over the world. Later the mass and modular pro-
duction method has led to the fact that living conditions of people in the twentieth
century have become more effi cient and comfortable. However, the rapid economic
and social development followed by the industrial breakthrough, destruction of the
environment, squandering the resources and extinction of fl ora and fauna have
become inevitable and essential problems for the humanity. At the end of the XIX
century, the founder of the ideology of the “Arts and crafts” movement John Ruskin
in the article “Modern industrial production and design” expressed dissatisfaction
with the environment and rethought deterioration of the environment since the fi rst
industrial revolution in England, and condemned the day-to-day deterioration of
living conditions and ecological culture. J. Ruskin’s anxiety and concern about the
impact of the industrial development on the environment is embodied in the move-
ment of the “environmental” design in the 80s of the twentieth century. Since that
time, people have paid attention to the problems of the environmental protection,
resource use, material treatment and a number of other eco-cultural issues.
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