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The Carnival of Riosucio, also known as the Carnival of the Devil, takes
place in the city of Riosucio, Colombian region of coffee. The patron
of this carnival is the devil. However, this devil is not connected with
satanic rituals or anything of the kind. This devil is very little related to
the devil of the Catholic Church, but mostly to mythological indigenous
creatures. It symbolizes miscegenation, so its image combines Indig-
enous, Spanish and African features. The devil and the carnival that
it presides are the symbols of reconciliation of two villages that were
in confl ict before. This article analyzes the history of this carnival, its
peculiarity and importance in search of peace and identity of the nation.
Keywords: miscegenation, carnival, mask, aborigines, Africans, Spanish colonist, War of Independence, romanticism
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