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Humanities and Science University Journal № 48 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2019

Analysis of Russian translation for Address Forms in A Dream of Red Mansions (based on the corpus of Wang Xifeng)

Hu Siyue, Hu Guming
Price: 50 руб.
As one of the Chinese classical novels, A Dream of Red Mansions has 
presented us the traditional culture of China. Therefore, translation of 
the address forms is always attracting a lot of interest from Chinese 
scholars, who are engaged in the study of translation. Firstly, this 
paper provides defi nition of address forms, defi nition and classifi -
cation of the address forms in A Dream of Red Mansions, and then 
analyzes the address forms used by Wang Xifeng. Finally, the paper 
exemplifi es the address forms used by Wang Xifeng in the Russian 
translation of A Dream of Red Mansions.
Keywords: address forms of Wang Xifeng, translation, Chinese classical novels, A Dream of Red Mansions.
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Price: 50 рублей
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