The article is devoted to the formation of civil unity on the basis of a democratic
society in the multicultural world. It is shown that one of the most dif瑓cult tasks facing
education in the multicultural world is building a dialogue between people who share
fundamentally different ethical values. The role of the course “Foundations of the Moral
and Spiritual Culture of the Peoples of Russia” in the formation of civil unity in the
multicultural world is analysed. The author substantiates the thesis that the integration
of philosophical culture (in particular, metaethics) into the general education system is
one of the possible alternative ways to solve this problem. The question of the necessity,
possibility and forms of this integration is discussed.
Key words: philosophy at school, metaethics at school, multicultural education,
dialogue of cultures, Foundations of the Moral and Spiritual Culture of the Peoples of
Russia, thought experiment.
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