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The Scientific Opinion №6 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2019

Using the Unique Sound of National Instruments in Chinese Piano Music (exemplifi ed by Jiang Zuxin suite “Mountain fl owers”)

Cai Zhiyun
Price: 50 руб.
The multi-timbral compatibility of the piano with other musical 
instruments ensured a harmonious combination between the Chinese 
folk culture and piano music. The latter saw development and dis-
semination of the suites which, on the one hand, bear the traits of 
folk charm, but, on the other hand, use a variety of new techniques. 
Melodic ornaments are special embellishment techniques applied to a 
musical phrase or even a sound, i.e. vibrato, glissando, mordent etc.
Keywords: piano music, national instruments, Chinese composers.
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2. Van Yukhua. Ispol’zovanie tembra natsional’nykh muzykal’nykh instrumentov pri 
ispolnenii na fortepiano // Sychuan: Muzykal’nye poiski. 2008. № 3. S. 71–74.
3. Zou Li. Poeziya i zhivopis’ v kitayskoy fortepiannoy muzyke // Guansi: Populyar-
naya nauka i tekhnika. 2011. № 4. S. 184–193.
4. Lyu Fey. Natsionalizatsiya kitayskogo fortepiano — nachinaya s imitatsii 
Rantsyana i natsional’nykh muzykal’nykh instrumentov // Sin’tszyan: zhurnal peda-
gogicheskogo kolledzha Khetiana. 2010. № 4. S. 210–215.
Price: 50 рублей
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