V. A. Fedorova
Price: 50 руб.
The paper is devoted to the subject of mutual interference of the East-
ern and Western cultures in the context of modern interpretation of
the Renaissance music. Consideration of these matters is connected
with global civilization processes of the world history. In this regard,
the work contains the event outline refl ecting a cultural, political,
and military dialogue between the two worlds. Historical contacts
serve as a necessary basis for identifying parallels and analogies in
musical thinking of the East and West. The paper reveals similarities
between the Eastern (in particular, Indian) music and the music of
Renaissance at the level of content, modal system, methods of sound
production; the author draws conclusions about the infl uence of
the Eastern ideas on understanding and practice of performing the
Renaissance music in the 21st century.
Keywords: Renaissance music, mutual interference of cultures, history of civilizations,
Eastern culture, harmony, modal systems, performance.
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