The phenomenon of intonation as one of the leading categories of knowledge of
music occupies a special place in musical pedagogical science, because the need
to achieve a high level of the culture of intonation by a performer is considered as
a condition for achieving success in artistic and creative activity. The analysis of
the experience of outstanding pianists, whose creative activity has left an indelible
mark in the history of world culture, contributes to understanding the potential of
this phenomenon, because it is through intonation that the -gurative and semantic
activity of the intellect of a person accumulating and translating the meanings of
artistic culture is represented. Therefore, the category of “intonated meaning” is so
demanded by representatives of philosophy, cultural studies, aesthetics, psychology
of creativity, linguistics and general pedagogy, recognising it as an integral part of a
teacher’s professional skills in organising the educational process. All this testi-es to
the universality of the mechanism of the intonation phenomenon and its pedagogical
Key words: intonated sense, universality of the intonation phenomenon, musical and
performing arts, artistic and creative activity, psychology of artistic creativity, creative
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