The formation of an individual performing style is a priority task in the pedagogy of
musical performance. The way to musical pedagogy lies only through performance.
The development of a professional musician’s skills and pedagogical success in the performing class takes many years. Today, in almost every musical and pedagogical
study, the authors pay attention to the need for careful attitude to the personality of a
future professional musician, to the acquisition of a wide range of competencies in the
educational process, contributing to the achievement of success and realisation of his/
her creative potential. A performing style as an artistic phenomenon is a complex, self-
developing system. But modern practice often offers the listener a high level of techno-
logical achievements of young performers, devoid of originality of their creative image.
This explains the need to consider the formation of an individual performing style as a
subject of pedagogy of musical performance, which helps to identify both the causes of
the problem and ways to overcome it.
Key words: pedagogy of musical performance, style approach, performing style, in-
dividuality, personality, personal meanings, musical values, creative potential, improve-
ment and self-improvement.
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