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The Scientific Opinion №5 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2019

Form and Content of the Symbol in Contemporary Art

Subh Iman
Price: 50 руб.
People live in the real world and at the same time in the imaginary 
world, built on perception, symbolic forms, and images. These two 
worlds are intertwined with each other, replacing and complement-
ing each other. A researcher integrated into this process has a limited 
potential for studying things, as the temporal distance makes objective 
assessment diffi cult to achieve, or even impossible, because the assess-
ment is subjective and determined by diverse variables. We will attempt 
to establish a link between traditional forms and symbolic meanings in 
monumental painting in the modern world civilization. The problem to 
be solved in this case is to read the symbolic meaning of monumental 
painting, as well as to highlight the iconic themes and symbols that 
abound in works created in the period after the Second World War, and 
which were realized as a result of accumulation of well-established 
images in the memory of communities.
Keywords: symbol, form, content, art.
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Price: 50 рублей
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