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Humanities and Science University Journal № 46 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2019

Specifi city of Tapestry Composition (based on the decorative composition of urban landscapes)

S. N. Kravchenko, S. F. Rashitova
Price: 50 руб.
For many years the authors have been engaged in the pedagogical activity, working 
in the fi eld of training artists — teachers; at the same time, they are involved in the 
sphere of interior design, creating tapestries and other works of art for interiors. They 
have gained a rich pedagogical and creative experience, confi rmed their status as 
permanent participants of numerous professional art exhibitions at different levels. 
Unlike other art courses, composition does not have a clearly developed methodology, 
especially in arts and crafts. What matters in this form of art is material: a rich palette 
of yarn colors, velvety, which contributes to creation of effective textures and soft tran-
sitions. In the hands of a beginner all this can lead to overshadowing a graphic and 
compositional part, and can result into individual errors, i.e. haste in transformation 
of the sketch into the material, ignorance of the existing rules of composition while 
rendering proportional relationships of individual parts and masses, or violation of 
the equilibrium principles, etc. Any compositional fl aws committed in cardboard, in 
the fi nished work become obvious, but they can no longer be corrected due to the 
technological features of the material. Therefore, the authors consider composition 
as the tapestry specifi city and try to draw attention of young artists to this problem.
Keywords: composition, creative work, arts and crafts, artist, sketch, color spot, 
equilibrium, tapestry.
1. Gagarin B. G., Kravchenko S. N. Proektirovanie muzeyev (pedagogicheskiy 
aspekt) // Filosofi ya obrazovaniya. Novosibirsk: Izd-vo SO RAN, 2016. № 5 (68). 
S. 132–140. 
2. Golubeva O. L. Osnovy kompozitsii. M.: Izd-vo V. Shevchuk, 2008.
3. Kravchenko S. N. Gobelen (khudozhestvennoe tkachestvo): uchebno-metodiches-
koe posobie / sost. S. N. Kravchenko. Nizhnevartovsk: Izd-vo Nizhnevart. gos. un-ta, 
2015. 123 s.
4. Kravchenko S. N., Solomeina E. L. K voprosu ob aktual’nosti gobelena v sovre-
mennom khudozhestvennom prostranstve. Kul’tura, nauka, obrazovanie: problemy i 
perspektivy: materialy II Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (Nizhnev-
artovsk, 12–13 fevralya 2015 goda) / otv. red. A. V. Korichko. Nizhnevartovsk: Izd-vo 
Nizhenvart. gos. un-ta, 2015. Ch. II. S. 465–467.
Price: 50 рублей
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