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Humanities and Science University Journal № 46 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2019

“Symbolist Vector” of A. K. Lyadov’s Artistic Thinking

O. V. Lukyanovich
Price: 50 руб.
In the studies related to a particular historical material, specifi city 
of the composer's creative activity is often considered as self-worth. 
Aesthetic and stylistic correlations of the artist’s work with the general 
processes of art development are not suffi ciently analyzed. To a certain 
extent, the author takes into account relations and mutual infl uences 
of different arts that characterize any historical period and make up 
the cultural background which forms the composer’s artistic and crea-
tive concept, evolution of his individual style. The article analyzes and 
substantiates the organic connection of the spiritual content, fi gurative 
embodiment, aesthetic and stylistic orientation of A. K. Lyadov’s music 
and thinking with the essence of symbolism.
Keywords: A. Lyadov, symbolism, artistic thinking, aesthetic views, chamber genres.
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8. Lyadov A. K. 1. Zhizn’. Biografi cheskiy ocherk V. G. Val’tera. 2. Portret. Po lich-
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Muzyka, 1985. 204 s.
10. Ossovskiy A. V. Vospominaniya. Issledovaniya. L.: Muzyka, 1968.
11. Otdel rukopisey Sankt-Peterburgskoy gosudarstvennoy konservatorii imeni N. 
A. Rimskogo-Korsakova (OR SPbGK). Lyadov A. K. Pis’ma. 
12. Simvol, simvolicheskoe, simvolizatsiya v iskusstve i kul’ture: materialy kon-
ferentsii aspirantov RIII / sost. i red. A. N. Kirillov. SPb.: GNIUK RIII, 2001. 117 s.
13. Ya s t re b t s e v  V.  V.  N. A. Rimskiy-Korsakov. Vospominaniya / red. A. V. Ossovskiy. L.: Gos. muz. izd-vo, 1959–1960. T. 2.
Price: 50 рублей
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