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Humanities and Science University Journal № 46 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2019

Intention to the Pen: Interpretation of Chen Shaoping’s Contemporary Watercolor Art

Zhang Weijian
Price: 50 руб.
The form of freehand expression, that is the expression method of imagery, 
is a form widely used in traditional Chinese painting and also a common 
feature of Chinese painting: intention to the image, meaning in the image, 
the image is refl ected in the intention, expressing the meaning. By observing 
objective things without seeking a form, we express subjective emotions and 
create the artistic concept. As a contemporary watercolor painter in China, 
Chen Shaoping combines the imagery concept in the Chinese traditional 
painting with the characteristics of western watercolor paintings. His sleek 
and smooth watercolor works reveal a strong oriental charm and create 
a poetic mood. Although the imagery comes from objective things, it does 
not seek the specifi c embodiment, with a simple shape, smooth brushstroke, 
highlighting the unique charm of imagery watercolor.
Keywords: Imagery; watercolor painting; painting style; Chen Shaoping; artistic cause.
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Price: 50 рублей
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