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Humanities and Science University Journal № 46 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2019

Role of Costume in Religious Painting of the Second Half of the 18th Century

S. K. Zaust
Price: 50 руб.
The paper is devoted to the role of costume in the works of artists 
who belong to the genre of religious painting in Russia, the sec-
ond half of the 18th century. The author considers evolution of the 
religious painting in the era of classicism, reveals the main trends 
and typical stylistic features. Special attention is paid to the role of 
costume in canvases of the famous Academy painters A.P. Losenko, 
G.I. Kozlov, and G.I. Ugryumov. In Biblical scene paintings, created 
within obvious classical trends, the author analyzes a forming, com-
positional, and coloring role of costume in creating artistic images, 
which have an emphasis on a heroic and majestic component.
Keywords: costume, history painting, Bible, Old and New Testaments, classicism, 
A. P. Losenko, G. I. Kozlov, G. I. Ugryumov.
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Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya, 1995. 384 s.
8. Komissarzhevskiy F. F. Istoriya kostyuma. Minsk: Literatura, 1998. 496 s. 
9. Kukina E. M. Mir russkogo iskusstva: entsiklopedicheskiy slovar’. M.: Rus. yaz. — 
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10. Plaksina-Flerinskaya E. B. Istoriya kostyuma. Stili i napravleniya. M.: Izda-
tel’skiy tsentr «Akademiya», 2010. 240 s.
11. Yakovleva N. A. Grigoriy Ugryumov 1764–1823. L.: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1982. 
80 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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