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Humanities and Science University Journal № 46 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2019

Notation in Today’s Education: Teaching Issues

A. S. Aleksandrova
Price: 50 руб.
The paper deals the issues of teaching musical notation, both conventional 
linear and contemporary one. The topicality of the problem is determined 
by the less importance of the given issues in the structure of the contemporary 
teaching. The author writes about the necessity of developing special skills and 
professional training for future music editors, teachers, composers, etc. The 
purpose of the work is to analyze methodological publications that exist in Saint 
Petersburg, to identify the ways of further development of the problem, and to 
come up with practical suggestions of the problem’s solutions. The author puts 
forward the concept of the comprehensive approach to the problem of mastering 
notation in the contemporary teaching. The material of practical exercises is 
of particular interest. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that the 
issues of mastering notation are getting renewed in the contemporary teaching 
process. The main outcome of the work is identifying the trends in problem 
solving and sounding out a number of practical proposals.
Keywords: notation, musical teaching, hand-writing, rhythmic grouping, musical editing, 
musical dictation.
1. Aleksandrova A. S. Nekotorye voprosy notatsii v sovremennoy praktike prepoda-
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2. Aleksandrova A. S. Osnovy notnogo pis’ma: notografi cheskiy spravochnik muz-
ykanta. SPb.: Soyuz khudozhnikov, 2010. 91 s.
3. Aleksandrova-Starukhina A. Formirovanie traditsionnoy noto-lineynoy sistemy 
v istorii muzykal’nogo tvorchestva: kratkiy ocherk istorii notatsii // Muzykal’noe 
prinoshenie: sbornik statey k 125-letiyu so dnya osnovaniya Sankt-Peterburg-
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Politekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2008. S. 199–230.
4. Aleksandrova A., Tikhonova-Molotkova T. Trekhgolosie: diktanty v avtorskoy 
fakture: metodicheskoe posobie. SPb.: Soyuz khudozhnikov, 2012. 64 s.
5. Dudka F. A. Osnovy notnoy grafi ki. 2-e izd. Kiev: Muzychna Ukrayina, 1985. 
201 s.
6. Kartsev A., Olenev Yu., Pavchinskiy S. Rukovodstvo po grafi cheskomu oform-
leniyu notnogo teksta. 3-e izd., ispr. SPb.: Kompozitor, 2004. 180 s.
7. Kurs teorii muzyki: uchebnoe posobie dlya muzykal’nykh uchilishch i starshikh 
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8. Litvinova T. Tembrovoe sol’fedzhio: uchebnoe posobie dlya razvitiya tembrovogo 
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9. Litvinova T. Tembrovoe sol’fedzhio: uchebnoe posobie dlya razvitiya tembrovogo 
slukha. SPb.: Soyuz khudozhnikov. 2015. Ch. 2. 168 s.
10. Nyurnberg M. Notnaya grafi ka: grafi cheskoe oformlenie notnogo teksta. L.: 
Muzgiz, 1953. 255 s.
11. Ovsyannikov A. Propisi po sol’fedzhio: uchebnoe posobie dlya uchashchikhsya 
1 klassa DMSh i DShI. SPb.: Soyuz khudozhnikov, 2015. 32 s.
12. Teoriya muzyki: uchebnik dlya muzykal’nykh uchilishch i starshikh klassov 
spetsial’nykh muzykal’nykh shkol / obshch. red. T. S. Bershadskoy. SPb.: Kompozitor, 
2003. 196 s.
13. Tikhonova-Molotkova T. P. O notnoy gramote v muzykal’no-teoreticheskikh 
distsiplinakh // Muzykal’no-teoreticheskie distsipliny: sbornik statey: k 75-letiyu 
Teoretiko-kompozitorskogo otdela Muzykal’nogo uchilishcha imeni N. A. Rimskogo-
Korsakova. SPb.: Soyuz khudozhnikov, 2013. S. 206–217.
14. Tikhonova T. P. O notnoy gramote v muzykal’no-teoreticheskikh kursakh // 
Teoreticheskie distsipliny v muzykal’nom uchilishche: sbornik statey po metodike 
prepodavaniya. L.: Muzyka, 1977. S. 88–95.
15. Uprazhneniya po teorii muzyki: uchebnoe posobie dlya uchashchikhsya sred-
nikh spetsial’nykh uchebnykh zavedeniy / avt.-sost. N. Yu. Afonina, T. E. Babanina, 
S. E. Belkina i dr. SPb.: Kompozitor, 2002. 260 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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