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Humanities and Science University Journal № 46 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2019

Semantics of Combinations Using the Instrumental Case of Restriction as a Tool of Evaluation (Based on the Works of Vladimir Soloukhin)

E. Y. Rykin
Price: 50 руб.
Exemplifi ed by the works of the famous prose writer 
Vladimir Soloukhin, the paper considers features of 
the semantics of special evaluative constructions — 
combinations with the instrumental case of restriction. 
The author analyzes two classifi cations of these combi-
nations — in accordance with the basis of evaluation 
and with its type. It is noted that, despite the relative 
instability of the combinations with the instrumental 
case of restriction compared to the old Russian period, 
the combinations continue to be used in the texts of the 
modern Russian language, expressing the same types of 
evaluation as in the old Russian language.
Keywords: combinations using the instrumental case of restriction, the basis of evaluation, freeze-dried type of the basis for evaluation, touch type of the basis for evaluation, rationalist type of the basis for evaluation, type of evaluation, quantifi cation.
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Price: 50 рублей
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