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The Scientific Opinion №1-2 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2019

English Loan Words Associated with Motherhood and Childhood in the Russian Language

A. A. Ryzhenkova
Price: 50 руб.
The language is invariably enriched with new words denoting new 
concepts. The paper is devoted to English loan words-neologisms in 
Russian: baby-sitter, doula, instamum, sling mother, toddler, sibling, 
sorter, busy-board, spinner, blaster, puzzle, nibbler, booster, baby talk, 
brelfi e and other words related to “motherhood” and “childhood”. 
The paper attempts to classify borrowings, explain their meanings, 
determine the degree of their assimilation in Russian as well as to 
consider the most productive word-building models when English 
words come into Russian.
Keywords: English loan words, assimilation, motherhood, childhood.
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Price: 50 рублей
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