The concept of improvisation exists in all the types of human activities, including
arts. The term means creating on the go. Improvisation may be in any kind of arts,
but this article is devoted to dance art, in which improvisation is widely practiced.
For this, the authors use term “dance improvisation” and compare it to choreogra-
phy, which means pre-prepared dance. Therefore, the article reveals the essence of
dance improvisation and choreography and describes their features and differences.
The need for their development in the learning process of novice dancers is justiSed.
The teaching methods that are effective for the development of choreography and
dance improvisation are highlighted. These methods are useful not only for starters
in dancing, but also can be used by teachers-choreographers in their training pro-
Key words: choreography, dance improvisation, technique (in dance), sense of rhythm,
attention, dance styles.
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