T. G. Galaktionova, Yu. L. Proekt, I. E. Kondrakova, N. N. Kvelidze-Kuznetsova, M. A. Chernyak
Price: 50 руб.
The reading culture development is presented as the content of volunteer activities. The
authors introduce interesting historical facts about volunteer activities. The materials reぜecting the current trends in selecting targets and content of volunteer projects for reading are analysed.
Key words: volunteers of reading, motives of volunteer activity, reading circle, reader’s
interest, literature projects.
1. Akhayan A. Dorogoy moy chelovek: k 70-letiyu A. I. Gradusovoy // Sovetskiy uchitel’. L., 1967. 5 dekabrya.
2. Dmitrieva L. S. Vospominaniya o rabote v kollektive biblioteki LGPI Gertsena. B. m., b. g. 5 l.
3. Istoriya fundamental’noy biblioteki Gertsenovskogo universiteta. SPb.: Izdatel’stvo RGPU im. A. I. Gertsena, 2017. S. 87–89.