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Humanities and Science University Journal № 43 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018

Costume in the Historical Painting of Russia in the Second Half of the 18th Century

S. K. Zaust
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to interpretation of the costume in Russia’s 
academic art of early classicism. The features of depicting the char-
acters’ clothing in the historical painting of the second half of the 
18th century are of interest to a wide range of researchers who touch 
upon the problems of a number of related disciplines: theory and his-
tory of art, costume history, issues of everyday life and character of 
the epoch. Focusing on the ideals of the ancient art, artists of the age 
of enlightenment classicism tried to reveal images of the characters 
of both Russian and world’s history in many ways with the help of a 
costume. A detailed analysis of the works of historical painters of the 
XVIII century, in which the new vision of the costume is most clearly 
shown, allows us to draw a conclusion about its role as a formative 
and coloristically signifi cant element of historical painting of that time.
Keywords: costume, historical painting, Ancient Rus, classicism, A. P. Losenko, 
I. A. Akimov, G. I. Ugryumov.
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Price: 50 рублей
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