The paper highlights some aspects of the infl uence of folk music on forming and
developing the chamber vocal works by Turkmen composers (late 1940s to 1980s).
The writer traces the ways of evolution of this modern art song culture, which has
combined the best traditions of European music with indigenous traditions and
sources to produce a qualitatively new art of both national and international sta-
tus. The paper examines how the elements and techniques adopted in genres of the
professional oral tradition music penetrate into the structure of composer’s music
as well as reveals the links between the modern Turkmen art song with the musical
folklore and the performance of professional folk musicians, bakhshi, in particular.
The elements of musical form creation, features of vocal melodies and ornamental
techniques of singing as well as the timbre-instrumental specifi cs of piano texture
are under a detailed discussion. All the above expressive resources demonstrate
a close connection with the national musical and poetic heritage, and they are
refl ected primarily in the practices of the bakhshis. Identifi cation of these features
shall deepen the performance concept and contribute to the truthful interpretation
of the vivid ethnic character of a Turkmen art song.
Keywords: Turkmen art song, music of the oral tradition, folklore, bakhshi, melody, ornaments.
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