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The Scientific Opinion №11 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2018


A. V. Zyukin
Price: 50 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2018.11.78.82
The article substantiates the content of military patriotic autotourism as a developing di-
rection of domestic tourism, identiBes the main contradictions in the Beld of the patriotic 
worldview formation by means of military patriotic tourism. The author reveals pedagogi-
cal prerequisites for the effective solution of the tasks of military patriotic tourism aimed 
at patriotic education of students, and formulates pedagogical conditions for rendering the educational impact of military patriotic tourism on a person. The historical aspects of the birth and development of the club of auto-motor-tourists of Leningrad and the Leningrad region  are  considered  using  the  case  of  patriotic  motor  races. The  author  develops  the routes and content of patriotic rallies, as well as their means, whose educational potential is advisable to use when shaping the strategy of military patriotic tourism. The research results show that the “Road of Life” motor rally is one of the means of civic and patriotic education, forming personal responsibility of students for preserving the integrity, strength and power of the state, and developing the personality of each citizen.
Key words: military patriotic tourism, motor rally, patriotic education of students, club 
of auto-motor-tourists, sport and historical traditions.
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8. Shchegolev V. A., Ponimasov O. E., Zyukin A. V. Osobennosti primeneniya sredstv gidroBtnesa dlya podderzhaniya rabotosposobnosti moryakov-podvodnikov v avtonomnom pokhode // Vestnik Rossiyskoy voenno-meditsinskoy akademii. 2017. № 2 (58). S. 138–141.   
Price: 50 рублей
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