R. V. Svetlov
Price: 50 руб.
Boris Chicherin is one of the most important representatives of the 19th-century
Russian liberal philosophy of state and law. This article examines how he interprets the
understanding of freedom known to us from the philosophy of Democritus, the sophists,
Socrates and the Athenian school of the 4th century BC. This interpretation is based on the understanding of ancient society as such, where a citizen is fully owned by the state. The highest expression of this belonging is, according to Boris Chicherin, the teachings of Plato and Aristotle. A special place in the analysis of ancient thought by Boris Chicherin is taken by the “casus” of the sophists and Socrates. Their concepts were contrary to this tendency, therefore they formulated understandings of freedom (as negation by the sophists, and as subordination to one’s own subjective self-cognition by Socrates) that were not accepted by the Athenian public opinion.
Key words: political philosophy, Boris Chicherin, freedom, Athenian school.
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