The article is focused on various aspects of a choirmaster’s activities. The author analyses
the main directions and professional qualities of a choral director which are necessary
for successful pedagogical, creative, organisational and concert activity. The author’s
attention is drawn not only to the personality of a choral director, but also the creative
team concept is considered and some aspects of creating conditions for effective work
with it are analysed.
Key words: conducting, choral director (choirmaster), choir (chorus), vocal and choral
pedagogy, professional abilities of a conductor, musical and performing activities.
1. Zhivov V. L. Khorovoe ispolnitel’stvo. Teoriya. Metodika. Praktika: uchebnoe posobie. M.: Gumanit. izd. tsentr VLADOS, 2003. 272 s.
2. Musin I. A. Tekhnika dirizhirovaniya. SPb.: Pushkinskiy fond, 1995. 304 s.