The article is devoted to the problems of modern music education in connection with the
changed living conditions and, as a result, the new economic and artistic reality. Since
2000, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation has been carrying out extensive
systematic work on the modernisation of primary, secondary and higher professional
music institutions. The result is the introduction of pre-professional programmes into the
educational process of music schools, which are so relevant and awaited by the Russian
music teaching community. The article also discusses the experience of joint work of the
comprehensive and music schools of Tirat Carmel (Israel) in the frames of the “Playing
Schools” project, which may be of interest to the Russian music community.
Key words: music education in modern conditions, legislative acts of the Ministry
of Culture of the Russian Federation, modern programmes of pre-professional music
education for music schools and children’s art schools, experience of the Tirat Carmel
music school (Israel).
1. Arakelova A. O. Pri razrabotke zakonodatel’nykh aktov budut uchityvat’sya vse problemy shkoly // Sayt vserossiyskoy muzykal’no-informatsionnoy gazety // № 4 (98), aprel’ 2012 g. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 15.11.2018).
2. O vnesenii izmeneniy v Zakon Rossiyskoy Federatsii «Ob obrazovanii»: federal’nyi zakon RF ot 16 iyunya 2011 g. № 144.
3. O vysshem poslevuzovskom professional’nom obrazovanii: federal’nyi zakon RF ot 17 iyunya 2011 g. № 145.
4. O realizatsii dopolnitel’nykh predprofessional’nykh obshcheobrazovatel’nykh programm v oblasti iskusstv: sbornik materialov dlya detskikh shkol iskusstv v 2 ch. / avt.-sost. A. O. Arakelova. M.: Ministerstvo kul’tury Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2012. Ch. 2. 123 s.