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Humanities and Science University Journal № 42 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018


S. V. Busov, M. R. Zobova, A. F. Rodyukov
Price: 50 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2018.12.17.25
One of the main tasks of social synergetics is to justify the possibility of harmony of 
ideal and value, truth and ideal, freedom and responsibility, harmony of rights and duties 
expressed in terms of social justice. Freedom and responsibility represent the correlation 
between the two most important interrelated aspects of social reality — self-organisation 
and  organisation  (management).  The  transition  to  a  higher  level  of  culture  means  a qualitative leap of freedom. The global future consists of the variety of individual free 
choices, obeying such trends in which the generally signi�cant and universal content 
grows and overcomes the individual human content. An ideology expressing the life of 
ideas and ideals, their birth, downfall and struggle, is a complex process characterised 
by self-organisation and transitions from order to chaos and vice versa. An ideology 
involves the alternation of two mutually exclusive processes — hierarchisation and de-
hierarchisation — which is not without a certain trend, that is, a movement towards the 
highest point of organisation of human society. This is connected with the formation of 
a new hyper-essence — a super-attractor, which is an extremely complex spectrum of 
possibilities for the emergence of a superhuman and super-humanity.
Key words: social self-organisation, ideology, ideal, value, truth, freedom, responsibility, 
super-selection, super-attractor.
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Price: 50 рублей
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