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Humanities and Science University Journal № 42 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018

Infl uence of Dou Fengzhi, a Modern Watercolor Artist in China and Russia, on My Work

Xie Yueyue
Price: 50 руб.
The paper is devoted to the study of Dou Fengzhi’s experience of studying 
in Russia, as well as to the development of his work after returning to his 
homeland. The paper represents a substantive analysis of the pedagogi-
cal model, the art of landscape watercolor painting, and also scrutiny of 
the most prominent works of Dou Fengzhi. Besides, the author studies 
expressive methods and creative thinking within the framework of the 
author’s project “Quay”. The compositional structure and the palette of 
Dou Fengzhi’s works allow rendering artistic expression through color. 
Through the artist’s works, the author concludes that “the value of art lies 
in innovation, while traditionalism and conservatism are concepts of a 
different order”. The author used techniques of modern painting expres-
siveness as the foundation for his graduation creative project “Quay”.
Keywords: China and Russia, Modern Watercolors, creative work, Influence.
1. Dou Fenchzhi — master akvarel'noy zhivopisi. Tsindao, 2006. 200 s. (水彩画家
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2. Dou Fenchzhi: korabli dal'nego plavaniya v okeane akvarel'nykh krasok // Vestnik 
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报,2011年. S. 4.).
3. Dou Fenchzhi, Chzhan Tszyan'tsin. Khudozhestvennye dostizheniya Yan' Ven'chzhenai 
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先生的艺术成就和他对山东水彩画的贡献.天津美术学院学报, 2016年. 90 s.).
4. Dou Fenchzhi, Yuy Litsyan'. Stroitel'stvo khudozhestvennoy galerei i razvitie 
Instituta izobrazitel'nogo iskusstva. Tsindao: Izobrazitel'nye iskusstva, 2015. 18 s. 
(窦凤至;禹丽倩.美术馆建设与美术学院的发展[N].美术,2015年. 18 s.).
5. Moy izobrazitel'nyi yazyk: Dou Fenchzhi. Kitayskaya akvarel'. 2015. 59 s. 
(吾型我塑—窦凤至[N].中国水彩,2015年. 59 s.)
6. Sliyanie Kitaya i Zapada: iskusstvo Dou Fenchzhi. Tsindao: Izobrazitel'nye 
iskusstva, 2008. 69 s. (融汇中西 执著艺术—窦凤至[N].艺术青岛,2008年. 69 s.). 
7. Sun Shoukhun. Znachenie svetoteni. Sliyanie Kitaya i Zapada // Utrennyaya gazeta 
Tsindao. 2009. 20 s. (宋守宏.光影意蕴 融汇中西[N].青岛早报, 2009年. 20 s.).
8. Tao Shikhu. Put' protsvetaniya sovremennogo kitayskogo iskusstva akvarel'noy 
zhivopisi [EB/OL] // Nauchnyi vestnik Tyantszin'skoy akademii izobrazitel'nykh 
iskusstv. 2006. 70 s. (陶世虎.走向繁荣的当代中国水彩画美术.[EB/OL].天津美术
学院学报,2006年. 70 s.).
9. Chen' Shen'nan'. Kolorit i melodiya legendarnykh trudov — vystavka 
proizvedeniy khudozhnikov-akvarelistov Tsindao: Tsindao-Art, 2016. S. 7 (陈胜男.彩
韵华章—青岛水彩画家作品展[N].青岛水彩网, 2016年. S. 7).
10. Yan' Ven'chzhen. Dou Fenchzhi — khudozhnik, prodolzhayushchiy traditsii. 
Tsindao: Novostnoe agentstvo, 2011. 120 s. (晏文正.窦凤至一位继往开来的画家[N].
青岛新闻网,2011年. 120 s.).
Price: 50 рублей
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