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Humanities and Science University Journal № 42 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018

The Infl uence of Meyerhold on the Stage Work of the Famous Chinese Director Wang Xiaoying

Wang Renguo
Price: 50 руб.
In this article the writer systematically studied the historical infl u-
ence of the Russian directing school and Chinese traditional art 
on modern Chinese drama by analyzing deeply the creative stage 
methods and aesthetics of Chinese theatre director Wang Xiaoy-
ing.  As for the impact of Chinese traditional drama, the writer 
illustrated the necessity for using modern drama techniques to 
integrate the traditional forms of performing arts by studying in 
detail the works of Director Xiaoying Wang.
Keywords: director, Russian and Chinese theater, modern expression of Chinese 
traditional symbolic image, Meyerhold.
1. Van Syaoin. Ot uslovnosti k poeticheskomu obrazu. Pekin: Izd-vo Kitayskogo 
teatra, 2006. S. 423. (王晓鹰《从假定性到诗化意象》,北京,中国戏剧出版
社,2006. S. 423.)
Price: 50 рублей
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