The article presents the research results of the display of termi-
nological collocations in English-Russian and Russian-English
dictionaries on oil and gas. The dictionary entries “neft`” (oil)
and “gaz” (gas) were analyzed in the Russian-English diction-
ary, as well as the entries “oil” and “gas” in the English-Rus-
sian dictionary. The main features of terminological collocations
in lexicographic sources were identifi ed. The structure of termi-
nological collocations was considered in the comparative aspect,
their classifi cation was given, and the specifi cs of translating this
type of word collocations into another language was discussed.
Keywords: term, terminological collocations, lexicographic sources, oil and gas
dictionaries, oil and gas terminology, special language, language for specifi c purposes.
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