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Humanities and Science University Journal № 42 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018

Captain K. T. Dubrov’s Foreign Trip as a Part of the Preparation for the Rearmament of the Russian Fleet in the 1890s

A. V. Kislitsyn
Price: 50 руб.
The article describes the offi cial trip of Captain K. Dubrov to England and 
France in February — July 1892, as assigned by the Chief Inspector of the 
Naval Artillery S. Makarov, and its importance for the modernization of the 
artillery of the Russian Imperial Navy. The work is based on the historical 
sources contained in the Russian State Archive of the Navy, which are used 
for scientifi c purposes for the fi rst time. It discusses the main problems of 
modernization of the Russian Navy in the 1890s and the issues relating 
to the activities of the MTC management and of the Maritime Ministry in 
connection with the modernization of the Russian Navy artillery. The con-
clusion of the article is that Captain Dubrov, during his trip, initiated by 
S. Makarov and with approved by the Governor of the Maritime Ministry 
N. Chikhachev, gathered important information on the production of ship 
guns, tower installations and ammunition, which the MTC desperately 
needed for modernization of the Russian fl eet artillery
Keywords: the Russian Imperial Navy, the Naval Ministry, naval artillery, rearmament, 
technology, military production
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v 1890-e gg. // Klio. 2018. № 2. S. 163–168.
3. Parks O. Linkory Britanskoy imperii: perevod s angliyskogo. Ch. 4. Ego Veli-
chestvo Standart. SPb.: Galeya-Print, 2005. 120 s.
4. Ropp T. Sozdanie sovremennogo fl ota: frantsuzskaya voenno-morskaya politika 
1871–1904 // Voennaya literatura: setevaya biblioteka. URL: militera. lib.ru/science/
ropp/index.html (data obrashcheniya: 10.08.2018).
5. Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Voenno-morskogo fl ota. F. 421. Op. 2. D. 
772. 58 l.
6. Shirokorad A. B. Entsiklopediya otechestvennoy artillerii. Minsk: Kharvest, 2000. 
1156 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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