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Humanities and Science University Journal № 42 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018

Russia and China Portrait Painting

S. V. Anchukov
Price: 50 руб.
The aim of the paper is to study Russian and Chinese portrait 
painting, its traditional aesthetic ideas, cultural and scientifi c 
value. The comparative analysis of Russian and Chinese por-
trait painting results into considering special features, similari-
ties and differences between the two artistic traditions. As an 
example, the author considers mastery of the artists who created 
life-fi lled works in the genre of portrait.
Keywords: Portrait Painting, Language of Painting, Stages of Portrait Development as a Genre, Work of Art, Aesthetic Value.
1. Van Lun. Dukhovnye aspekty portretnoy zhivopisi. Pekin: Pekinskoe khudozhest-
vennoe izdatel’stvo, 2013. 19 s.
2.  Van Shensun. Izuchenie portretnoy zhivopisi. Pekin: Izd-vo Tsentral’nogo khu-
dozhestvennogo instituta, 2009.  22 s.
3. Van Yuychzhen’. Sravnitel’noe issledovanie kitayskoy i yevropeyskoy portretnoy 
zhivopisi drevnikh epokh. Issledovanie khudozhestvennogo obrazovaniya. Shankhay: 
Shankhayskaya khudozhestvennaya tipografi ya, 2013. 5 s.
4. Pen Yan. Sravnenie portretov epokhi Min, Tsin i yevropeyskikh portretov epokhi 
Vozrozhdeniya. Ukhan’: Khunan’skiy pedagogicheskiy universitet, 2012. 61 s.
5. Tszi Yunchzhe. O razvitii i evolyutsii kitayskoy portretnoy zhivopisi. Tyan’tszin’: 
Tyan’tszin’skaya akademiya izyashchnykh iskusstv, 2007. 25 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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